Contractor Put to the Test in Quakezone
Connell Contractors moved into Christchurch with a big reputation as specialists in drainage work – big diameter pipe work in the most testing conditions. The company’s first Christchurch contract proved to be its biggest challenge yet.
Director Dave Connell says, “we picked up the most difficult job in Christchurch – laying a 1200mm pressure sewer main over 4km on busy city roads, at depths of up to 4m. We were one of five teams from different companies working on different sections of the job.”
“We finished our section and they gave us the remainder of the work based on our productivity, quality, and our health and safety record,” he adds.
Dave says while that first contract established the company’s reputation in the city, it was touch and go for the first three months. A lack of experience with local conditions compliance issues, and the need to develop new methodologies were just some of the challenges.
Matching the right gear to the job was critical. Dave prefers Kobelco over other brands for most applications because they have superior hydraulic flows for operations such as sheet piling, they are heavier than other brands, and the machines have genuine zero tail swing. And that’s critical when you’re dropping a machine 2m down inside an excavation to finish digging 6m trenches.
Dave ordered a Kobelco SK235SR from Kobelco’s New Zealand dealer Mimico for the first Christchurch contract which was on its way to New Zealand when the team changed their methodology.
Click here to find out what happened to the Kobelco SK235SR ordered
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The latest Connell Contractor purchase the Kobelco SK350LC at work on the Tauranga Eastern Link in the Bay of Plenty